Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Ah, Christian. You can pay a woman to let you grope her anytime you wanted. How far from the top must we fall?.


Sunday, May 29, 2005


Posted by: janiedelite.
All work and no play makes Janie a dull girl. So today, I'm doing absolutly nothing. Sure, I have things I need to take care of, but everyone is entitled to a lazy day or three...i want to go to the park and watch the sun filter through the trees, but of course, it looks like rain. It was annoyingly sunny all week, and they say its going to rain on all three of my days off. I guess i'll watch the ceiling instead. As long as I'm not moving, I'm fine.


I always knew I was going to hell, but damn.

Yes, I spend all my free time taking online tests. Are you happy now? Don't fuck with me. Satan is on MY side.

You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of
Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it.
To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan.
Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement
of the self, rather thanupon submission to a deity or a set
of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of
the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble
those of earth-based religions such as paganism.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com


Saturday, May 28, 2005

Oh, goody. I'm crazier than you!

You scored as Antisocial Personality Disorder. Congratulations! You
have ASPD! You know that blatantly disregarding
social norms and the rights of others isn't just
illegal; it's FUN. Jail time? Eh, look at Gary Gilmore...
was he really that bad of a guy?

Antisocial Personality Disorder


Unipolar Depression




Borderline Personality Disorder


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


Eating Disorders


Which mental disorder do you have?
created with QuizFarm.com

A hand full of ASPD, a tbsp of unipolar, a dash of schizophrenia, a pinch of BPD, mixed with a little OCD gets you...ME! A bundle of joy, I am. I don't agree with that small percentage of an eating disorder. I would eat you if I was hungry enough. If I had nothing else to eat, of course.


A night on the town can lead to humiliation.

A night on the town can lead to humiliation.
Posted by: janiedelite.
Please. If you find yourself with oversized glasses, a faded t-shirt, an empty bottle of wine, and you are dancing while singing a Britney Spears song, drunkenly, find the nearest taxi and get home IMMEDIATELY.


I swear Christian zealots are the scariest people on Earth.


Friday, May 27, 2005

The internet has taken my soul.

Blogebrity is fascinating. Imagine become famous because of your BLOG. This means that most of the world spends most of their time on the internet. Me being one of those people who has forgotten that people exist outside of the world wide web, I say it's time for us to get outside and get some fresh air. Excercise. Mow the lawn. Something that gets you away from the false light of the computer screen and into the harmful uv rays of the sun. But first, I must check my email.


Thursday, May 26, 2005


Posted by: johnmed.
Not everything is what it seems.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Stephen Chow and Tony Jaa are cool.


Money sucks.

I've been applying for loans throough the government and banks. They either say I don't have enough credit or my credit is not good enough. I'm thinking about having a yard sale, but I'm a pack rat and I love EVERYTHING I own. I love that dolphin lamp I never use. I love my elephant figurines that takes up a lot of space and has absolutely no meaning. I even love my sewing machine I used once since i've had it, which now just collects dust and is being used as a another surface to keep even more of my useless knick knacks. i can't part with any of these things. I NEED them. Maybe I can sell other people's things...


Sunday, May 22, 2005

"I'm not saying I could write the bible better, but I can take a stab at it." Yes, my boyfriend said that.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

Star Wars!

So Will and I saw Star Wars a couple days ago. It was good, but I was a little disappointed. I don't now what I was expecting. It's not like I didn't know what was going to happen, but for some reason I expected...more. It just seemed like it was thrown together pretty quickly, which dosen't make any sense. He was working on that movie for YEARS it seems. Even the part where Anakin took that long awaited path to the Dark Side, it seemed too quick. It was like it wasn't a wieghty decision for him. Maybe you will see what I mean when you go see it. That is, if you don't mind being in a room full of wookies, troopers, and kids toting plastic light sabers. It was quite a spectacle. Overall,the movie was good, but could have been better. I did, however, thoroughly enjoy watching Anakin turn evil. The more evil he became, the hotter he got.
I like my men evil as Satan's heart...or something like that...



Posted by: janiedelite.
I am in need of $1800 in about a month so I can go to school. So far, I have $17. The situation is not looking too good right now.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Be warned.

I just wanted to let you know that if ever we were to meet on the street by chance or design, please be warned that I am not by any means "fun", "witty", or capable of stimulating conversation. I wanted to get that out so there won't be any disappointment in this said meeting. I am, however, delightful (hence the name).


I've never understood sororities. I won't lie and say that I've never given thought to joining one, but all the girls I met who were in a sorority (so far) have been horrid little shells of people who use to have their own personalities but adapted to a common personality that they all share, which is usually a shallow, mean, and ridiculously petty type of person. I don't want to lump all sorority girls into this category. I just haven't met a nice one yet, thats all. Now I sound bitter.


Monday, May 16, 2005

When I was younger, I had nothing better to do with my time, so I watched a lot of Nickelodion. One of my favorite shows was The Adventures of Pete and Pete mainly because I thought the guy who played the older Pete was hot. I think it was the red hair.
Looking at him now has convinced me that I was a strange little girl.


I've just found out that "Hurts so Good" is the title of a John Mellencamp song. I've thus decided to use it as my theme song. It will play everywhere I go like Shaft's theme song did for him.


Sunday, May 15, 2005

My moment of clarity.

I have come to the sad realization today that I will probably never graduate from college, I will still be at the same dead end job I am at right now in 10 years and I will grow up to be the old lady with the tattered jacket with a pocketful of bird seeds she throws randomly on the streets for birds who never come because of the awful stench she emits everywhere she goes and the fact that she talks to herself very loudly about the laundry she started 15 years ago and never finished instead of becoming the doctor I told everyone I would be in grade school.


The last post is wierd because the original link had an article about how these fans paid $500 to see an early release of the movie. I found that kind of ridiculous, but I can't judge. I'm sure there is something out there I would pay too much money for which I would be able to get for much cheaper if I waited...well, no, I take that back. There isn't anything in the world I would do that for. But I'm not judging!


Friday, May 13, 2005

These people just could not wait a week for this movie to come out?


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Jesus Puffs!

The path to heaven starts at breakfast.


It would seem to you like all I do is watch movies and post about them. You would be absolutely correct. I just saw Kung Fu Hustle and that movie was...it was...fan-fucking-tasctic. I couldn't come up wuith a better word to describe it. You may not like it as much as I do because i'm pretty wierd, but I still think you should check it out. My godbrother says if you like Shaolin Soccer or God of Cookery (I still haven't seen either, but I trust his opinions) then you will love this movie. I give it 2 thumbs and a smile!


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I just saw What the Bleep is Going On? That movie is fucking awesome. All about quantum physics and a lot of stuff I don't understand. It was great.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Can you feel the music?

I can feel music. Not deep bass or anything, but regular music. The other night at a party, someone was playing a guitar. They hit one particular note and it felt like someone stroked their hand down my arm. I know that sounds wierd. I'm not crazy. It's a condition called synesthesia. It's basically when our neurons in our brains gets a little mixed up. It's different with people who has it. Some people can hear colors, or taste shapes, etc. I've experienced it for as long as I can remember, so I thought it was natural and everyone feels it. Apparently not.


I have been listening to Blonde Redhead's "Melody" over and over for a few days now. In a week, I will NEVER be able to listen to it again. I would make a link so you can listen to it too, but I can't find a good one. I apologize.


How I learned to stop worrying and loved the bomb

I saw Dr. Strangelove for the first time tonight. I couldn't really appreciate the genius of it because of how high I was, and this pounding headache I had. Still a very good movie. Now I want to see A Clockwork Orange.


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Sometimes I don't like kittens.


Last night I got a little tipsy and high, which is never a good combination. I slept for an hour, then I drove home even though I wasn't 100%. (Don't drink and drive, kids! Do as I say, not as I do!) Well, I go down my normal route home and find Decatur's finest doing a road block and checking everyone's licencse and registration and making sure they are not doing exactly what I was doing. I'm freaking out. My eyes are red, I smell strongly of illegal substances, some of which is in my bag, there is a bottle of unopened bacardi on the floor, and an empty opened bottle (I wasn't drinking while driving...it just takes me a week or five to clean out my car, so far they have been there since Wednesday), I can't find my licencse anywhere nor my insurance card...things are not looking too good. All I need is a DUI and possession charges. I'm finally next in line for the check and the cop waves me forward. I thought he didn't need to check me, so I kept going and then I figured out he was waving me to the next cop, so I screech on my brakes, but I'm already about 15 or 20 feet in front of him. I guess he didn't feel like running up to the car so he waved me on too. Maybe it wouldn't have been as bad as I thought it was going to be, or it could have been worst and I could be in jail right now. Either way, I'm grateful to the lazy cop who didn't feel like walking a couple of extra feet. Thank you, officer!


Friday, May 06, 2005

People are dumb

The other day, my boyfriends dad found a note on his car calling him a wierdo and saying how nobody talks to him because hes a freak and has wierd art. I know it hurt his feelings although he laughed at the note. He is so nice and didn't do anything to anybody and it made me so angry because the coward didn't leave their name or apartment number or anything. I swear if I ever find out who left that note, I will beat their ass. It dosen't matter how big or scary looking they are. If they are bigger than me, i'll just use weapons, but no one has the right to hurt anyone elses feelings for no reason like a fucking grade school kid calling other people names behind their back. I don't like it when people I love is hurt, even if it's something as trivial as an assholes dumb comment. If I find out who it is though, i'm going to smack the shit out of them.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

VERIZON SUCKS!!!!! Most reliable network my ass. They lie. Don't trust them!


The great search for a new job starts today. It should have started a while ago, but I'm lazy and I tricked myself into thinking I like my job. Reality has smacked me in the face, and it is time for me to move on. So, does anybody know of any job openings? I'm not desperate yet, so no strip clubs or restaurants of any kind. Well, maybe the strip clubs are alright...


Kory sells factory buildings in his spare time.

Kory sells factory buildings in his spare time.
Posted by: janiedelite.
Even though the building is practically falling apart, Kory valiantly keeps his game face on and continues his pitch on the everyday uses for old factories with missing windows for housewives.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I saw a tshirt that said "Don't sweat the petty...pet the sweaty". Sweaty what, you ask? No fucking clue, but I want a shirt just like it.


Monday, May 02, 2005

That lady is a tramp!

A couple of weeks ago, a guy came to my job to have a quick slice of pizza and we had a lttle conversation. Well, more like he asked questions and I responded. At the time, I was busy trying to clean up so we could get the hell out of there, but its hard for me to ignore people because i'm so damn nice, so I never snuffed him or anything, I answered each question with a smile and laughed at his jokes. When he was finished, he told me I had a nice personality, and a pretty smile, yadda, yadda, yadda...he gave me his number. I never say whether i would call or not. Sometimes I would come straight out and say I'm not going to call you, sometimes i don't say anything. I NEVER call. I don't even call my father in Maryland. Why would I call you? I don't say that, of course, but that's what i'm thinking. Anyway, I never call this guy, who is old enough to be my grandpa. Yesterday, he came in, walked to the register and said "Thanks for calling." and walked away. I thought he was being sarcastic. Turns out he was being an asshole. He walked back up to the register, with a customer standing there, and goes off on me about how I don't respect the black man, I don't know what i'm missing, blah, blah, blah...then walks out. Whatever. I meet crazy people at work everyday. Today, he walks in when we haven't opened yet and I'm mopping the floor. I tell him very politely that we don't open for another half hour. He stares at me and I stare at him, waiting for him to do something. He then says, "You're a tramp." I was kind of shocked, but I said "Fuck you! Get the fuck out!" Which I regret. The logical thing would have been to ask how he came up with that conclusion, then say "Fuck you." I lost my head. The restaraunt owner here's me cursing, and asks whats going on. I tell him and he and my boyfriend run after him. That was pretty much the highlight of my day. I was hoping he would come back so I could say all the things that I thought of throughout the rest of the day. Or stab him. I did, however, get a good laugh out of it.
