Thursday, May 31, 2007


How dare they? Really? Is this what America has come to? Resurrecting dead rock icons to sell their products? Who is the executive at Doc Marten's who thought this would be a great idea? Who gave them permission to do this? Who has the rights to Kurt Cobains image??? Does Courtney Love really have the rights to Kurt Cobain's image or am I being a bit too hasty to pin it on her? This is nearly the exact reason he committed suicide in the first place and I am horrified to see it.

How dare they??

Thanks to Poplicks for bringing this to my attention.


Oh, that's right.

I just spent two hours watching television tonight and I was reminded why I stopped watching television in the first place.

I watched Stephen Colbert personally put a dent in Barack Obama's presidential campaign by calling him a liar. He then went on to almost belittle his guest, former basketball player who just came out, John Amaechi. A little side note about him, I forgot his name and typed "basketball player" and "closet" in Google and a website related to him was number one.

I then watched an episode of South Park which speaks for itself.

Finished the night off with Mind of Mencia where I watched him have Three 6 Mafia rap offensively then do a fake robbery/beatdown on Mencia himself. Thats when I turned off the television.

Please turn off the television. Read a book. The newspaper. Go for a walk. Anything. Just don't let television rot your brain. We seriously do not realize how much what we watch affects us. Television is a very powerful tool and the people behind these networks know this and are using it most effectively. There is a psychology behind it. They know how to capture our attention and hold it for hours. Think of all the times you've turned on the televison and completely lost track of time.

Don't pretend that never happens.

Turn it off!


Sunday, May 20, 2007

Blonde Redhead Pt. II

Maybe I will start that music blog after all.

It is day three and I am still listening to Blonde Redhead's new album. I seriously have not listened to anything else since I heard it the first time Friday night. 23 is outstanding. I believe their last 6 albums have all been leading up to this one. Today I found out that I missed them perform on Conan O'Brien a few nights ago. Shockingly, YouTube doesn't have the footage uploaded by 15 different people yet. Who knows what can happen in a couple hours so I will keep checking.

If this album doesn't blow them into mainstream or at least an undercurrent of mainstream (not to be confused with underground) then nothing will. I'm thinking when you hear about Portishead or Radiohead, Blonde Redhead will be up there with them. :-) What a coincidence that all the band names have 'head' in them...Maybe all groups with head in them fit in the same genre? I will test that theory out soon.

Their most beautiful album to date, I think. Emotional without being emo, sincere without being overbearing. Everything is just right. Kazu's voice is stronger, more haunting and hypnotic. Amedeo's guitar is heartwrenching and almost bittersweet. Simone on drums is mesmerizing and I think I fell a little in love with him. Not to mention their expertise on synthesizers, keyboards and any other instrument that I couldn't quite catch.

I cannot compare it to anything I have ever heard before. One of the best albums I have heard in several years. I wish I could see them live again but it seems they are finishing the remainder of their tour in Europe...pity. There is always Lollapalooza in Chicago on August 3rd...

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

I found it!

I finally found it. A new album for me to obssess over. I just heard Blonde Redhead's new release 23 for the first time the other night and I haven't listened to anything else since. Just the other day I told a friend of mine that I have been looking for that album. You know, the album that speaks to you. That album where every word is about you and your life. The very next day I found it.

I saw Blonde Redhead live a few weeks ago and they were amazing. Amazing. I hadn't heard but one track off the album at that point. Then I heard the first four tracks on the album and I stayed in the car for two hours listening to them over and over.

The fourth track, SW...I seriously believe is the most beautiful song I have ever heard in a very long time.


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Oh my.

Yes, its been quite some time since I last left a post for you lovely people.
Yes, I have not made one post about music even though I said a music blog was coming. The music blog is still not coming because I've changed my mind but I can share some musical gems with you every now and then. Here is the first.

Don't sleep on Mr. Wonder kiddies. That man had the devil in him.
