Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Girl Scout conspiracy

I bought some Girl Scout cookies the other day (Thin Mints rock!), and I started wondering where does all the cookie money go? Those little girls push those cookies hard, and we all get a little excited when we know they are selling nearby. But seriously, where does the cash go? You don't see many foundations funded by them, or see them making donations to any worthy causes. They make at least a million or two on those things a year. My neighborhood alone has to shell out a couple grand on tagalongs alone every year. Maybe I'm just paranoid, or maybe they're funding some secret government agency thats plotting to take over the world through hostile biological warfare which involves lacing the cookies with some deadly, lab created virus that dosen't kill you, but makes you do whatever CNN and CSPAN tells you to do. Or, once again, maybe I'm being paranoid.


Monday, March 28, 2005

Aye, Matey!

Aye, Matey!, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

On Friday, the lead singer of Korn and his wife welcomed a baby boy into the world. They named him Pirate. They haven't released a photo, but I'm pretty sure this is what he looks like. I'm sure he won't suffer any kind of akwardness or future adolescent teasing when he grows up.


Saturday, March 26, 2005

Yet again...

Just when I work up enough confidence to think I look decent, I see a girl who dashes my confidence to pieces. Oh well, where's the glue?


PDA's suck.

Today, I had to suffer through two seperate displays of disgusting public affection. Don't get me wrong, a peck, a hug and some hand holding is okay with me. Me and my boyfriend do it. But the couples who are all over each other, crawling down each other's throat, and calling each other stupid pet names like "Snugglebear" and "Booger Butt" (I didn't make that one up) gets on my nerves. On both occasions, I was very close to walking up to the guy and saying "Last night was fun, we should do it again sometime..." *wink wink* Next time I have to go thorugh that, which I know will be soon because the first couple comes to my job everytime I'm working, I will do that. Or just pour a glass of water on them and say "Get a fucking room, you bloody wankers."


Friday, March 25, 2005

I'm back in hell again.

I found out yesterday that all those parking tickets I acquired last year has finally caught up with me to the tune of $450. That wouldn't be so bad if my car wasn't in my mother's name, and there is the chance she can have her license revoked and lose her job. Atlanta City Court and all their minions should burn in hell.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

jin kazama

jin kazama, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

If I ever meet a guy who looks like him, my boyfriend is in a lot of trouble...a LOT of trouble.


Sally and Johnny

Sally and Johnny, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

I don't think their website was intended to offend, but I'm pretty sure they knew they were going to offend someone. Unfortunately I don't know how to make their picture a link to their site (i'm still learning) so here is their web address.


Monday, March 21, 2005

Decisions, decisions...

I can't decide what I want to name my blog, so I change it pretty much weekly until I stumble across the one I like. So far its been "So you want to be a ventriloquist" , "I heart Janie" , "Killer waves, dude!" and what it is now "picking up the pieces of your shattered dignity!" If anyone has an idea, or like one of the titles I listed above, feel free to let me know. I can't guarantee it'll be used, but I will gaurantee your input will be appreciated!


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Give me your soul!!!

Give me your soul!!!, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

I had a dream last night that I was back at my old job with the IRS which was my own personal hell, but they paid very well. I'm at I point in my financial situation where I wouldn't mind going back even though I said I wouldn't. But their hiring process is so extensive and annoying, I feel like I'd have to sell my soul to get my position back. But if I have to do that to pay off my car before it breaks down for the last time, well...That shows my priorities are definately in the wrong place.


Saturday, March 19, 2005

I like having friends I can share forks and straws with. Is that wierd?


By the way, does anyone know what that particular birth defect is called?


My eye

My eye
Posted by: janiedelite.
Today I showed my birth defect to the entire world and hardly anyone was impressed.


killer kitty

killer kitty, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

SOmetimes I feel like doing this, but the thought of possible jail time (IF I was caught) is enough to keep me from buying a gun. This picture was taken by the beautiful Brandy.


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Today at work my co-worker/cousin told me 2 guys have a crush on me. Yes, I was very flattered. Mainly because I don't find myself attractive at all and it surprises me to find that out. But now that I think about it, maybe I am as unattractive as I think I am, and these guys just have bad taste in women. No, I'm not trying to be down on myself, I am being pratical and realistic. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Maybe. Or maybe people say that to make the people who have bad taste feel better. Hmmm, something to think about...


Monday, March 14, 2005

Bonnie and Clyde '05

Bonnie and Clyde '05, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

My boyfriend and I go to craft stores all over atlanta to buy jewlery supplies. Well, I go and drag him along. Due to the fact that my funds are very limited, I usually shoplift most of the merchandise. He's my lookout. He says we are the Bonnie and Clyde of craft stores. Cheesy, yes, but very accurate, except for the gay sex, murderous rampages and being gunned down by cops in a bloody, violent hail of bullets.


vida "badunkadunk" guerra

vida "badunkadunk" guerra, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

I almost wish I had a big ass so FHM can jumpstart my career as a butt model. Do you know she originally worked in a law office or something like that, she entered a competition FHM was having, and the readers went crazy. Now her ass is literally everwhere. Which brings me to my point. Why go to school when your ass can support you financially AND when you're sitting down?



christyxxx, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

I'm still learning how to post pics. This is the picture that was suppose to go with the post about Tekken 5. This is Christy. She likes long walks on the beach, puppies, and anal penetration.


Sunday, March 13, 2005

T & A

I recently purchased Tekken 5 for my own playing pleasure and I realized that little teenage boys may not play the game because they like to beat other people to a bloody pulp (in the game of course) but probably just to see this particular character breasts jiggle. And they do jiggle! Her ass jiggles too when she runs. Instead of being utterly disgusted by this display of obvious sexism on the creaters part, I actually play it more because of it. I know, I know, I'm disgusted at myself too. But the game is fuckin awesome.


Me and my bitch

DSCF0145, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

I appear to have four eyes in this picture, but if I recall correctly, I had a couple beers before taking this picture. Thats why I love this job (hence the matching t-shirts with the word 'pizza' on them). Only job in the world where you and your boss gets drunk before you clock out. Co-workers who drink together are less likely to kill each other and lose their jobs together. Or maybe they do lose their job together.



Ok, so I lied. There is pictures. But at least I know I'm not retarded. That's a good thing.


I'm slow

Blogging is not easy, my friends. Or maybe I'm just really retarded. Either way, my blog page isn't doing what I'm telling it to do. It looks like its going to take me a while to get things going. Until then, you're going to have to go without pictures. Think of this as one of those classic novels you had to read in middle school that also happened to be the first book you had to read without pictures. You don't want to read it, but once you do, you can't stop. You never felt that way about your first pictureless novel? Well, I don't give a shit. There's still no fuckin pictures.


What the blog?!

Javers da devil dog, originally uploaded by Janie Delite.

Blogging is not easy for the bloggerly challenged. Is bloggerly a word?


Saturday, March 12, 2005

Awww, that sucks.

What do you do when the sister of someone you secretly admire says a computer lab smells like black people? I kind of like black people so that comment offended me in many ways. I kind of liked her too, up until I read that of course. Any suggestions anyone? No? Well I have to go to work anyway. I'll have a course of action by then.


So this is my first post. Oddly, I have nothing smart, funny or remotely witty to say. Oh well, no one is reading this anyway. So I can say whatever the fuck I want. Like how much my boyfriend is annoying the hell out of me right this very second.
