Friday, February 22, 2008

If you forgot...

Soulja Boy Crank Dat Ballet Dance

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Well...thank goodness that craze is over. That little boy in the front was GETTING it though! lol


Monday, February 18, 2008

I dream of strange things.

I had this dream last night. I'm getting into dream interpretation so I try to keep up with them now. I dreamt that it was nighttime and I was on the fire escape of my apartment and I watched a plane fly by and drop an egg onto the city which I could see from my vantage point of the fire escape. From the egg sprung a great serpent that immediately began to tear the city apart as though it was made of cardboard and devour it. I watched this happen not with terror but with dread as though I knew that this was going to happen someday. My friends DT and Mitchell show up in Mitch's car and I run to greet them hugging them and telling them that I love them and asking them to take me with them. It's obvious that they are fleeing the monster. They say they are fleeing to Canada. I tell them that we should go south. Across the country to Mexico and through there to South America. Then I woke up.

WTF?!? What the hell is that suppose to mean?


Who would want a night with Vanilla Ice and why? I'm curious.
