Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Yea, thats right. Ayn fucking Rand.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

This is my favorite book ever written by anyone. Read it. Maybe you'll like it too.


This past Thanksgiving I was most thankful for the fact that I only ate with three people rather than 40 people, 80% of which I probably don't like. It was quick, it was painless, and I had the option of getting seconds and thirds rather than getting one plate before all the good stuff disappeared. Good looking on that one, God.

The highlight of the day was my mother's friend nearly burning down the house when he tried to deep fry the turkey for the first time in his life. He started a grease fire and tried to put it out by blowing it out with his mouth. Luckily my mother thought of baking soda and luckily he didn't try to put it out with water. Whats really ironic about that situation is he is certified to teach fire safety. Certified.

I would post about what I did this weekend but I honestly can not remember. I didn't drink or anything, it was just filled with such high levels of nothing that it has already faded into nonexistence. Like it never happened. Thats been happening a lot lately. Maybe I should get a job.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Get your game face on!

The worst thing you could possibility do on the day before Thanksgiving is go grocery shopping. Even if its only three things. Get ready to throw some elbows for that last box of macaroni. It's war.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

If you buy a $300 upside down Christmas tree then you are a slave to consumerism and a fucking idiot.


Friday, November 11, 2005

One of my boyfriend's roomates sent me this via email the other day from Virginia. This is why we get along so well.

women? not sure what in the hell they are made of? me too! my guess...........matter. what is matter? who knows? whats the matter with you? who knows? who knows is a very good answer considering that it is a question itself, within an answer! the answer.....who knows. I don't. or do I? do you? is that the question? is anyone listening? or am I talking so loud that everyone can't hear anything? or nothing. which ever one is not without the unquestionable absence of an answer, which may or may not cease to exist within a world of nonexistence. I'm so smart that my brain just exploded. And that my fiends (i meant friends) is how i lost my mind, again, and again, and again. oh yeah, your homemade postal picture is on its way.

I only asked for a postcard.


How sad is it that the best news I got all week is gas is around $2.17?


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Back on The Boondocks

Way back in my single days, I was so in love with Aaron McGruder. Yes. I was reading his strips for a few years and then I saw his picture. It was over. I thought he would be an older Cornell West looking guy with the gray hair, the grizzly beard, and the booming voice. Instead he was this young, very attractive man. I don't know why exactly I started my post like that. I'm over the crush, but I am still a huge fan. I read a couple of articles on him after seeing his show on Sunday, and he is great. Very intelligent and no fear. That is usally a very bad combination when it comes to a Black politcal figure, but he chose the perfect way to get his thoughts and opinions out. A comic strip. Who would think a comic strip would be in the least bit threatening? Its only a cartoon. It was a brilliant move, in my opinion. But television is a whole new ballgame. You have to tread lightly, or at least I thought you did. To me, that show should have been a slap to the face of "The Man" if they were paying atention, but cartoons have that knack of being overlooked and underestimated.

I hope it will continue to be overlooked by them and paid close attention to by us.

I bet you're wondering who I meant by "us" and "them". I'm not talking about colors, people. It isn't always about that. There are just those who know, those who don't know, and those who are the cause of why things are getting more fucked up by the day. A revolution is coming and a lot of people have no idea. It's a scary thing, and there is no way to be completely prepared for it. I'm not saying this cartoon is going to prepare you for it, but it will hopefully let those who have no idea get a clue that everything is not all good. The world is still fucked up. Rascism is still alive, its just not as obvious as it used to be.

Now I bet you're thinking that I am making the cartoon out to be more than it is. Hey, maybe I am. For some things there is no gray area. I love it to death, or I hate it. It was a very good show and I saw some things in it that apparently a lot of people didn't see. This cartoon will not change the world. I just hope some of the "RIley"s out there will see what I saw.

On a lighter note. If I ever met Aaron boyfriend might be in little trouble. I kid!


Maxcap60 is cool.


I want luck to be a lady, but she's usally a bitch.

I'm playing poker tonight at a bar. I don't feel so lucky.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Just because you wear a huge diamond crucifix dosen't mean you're righteous.

Fucking Hyprocrite.

It takes a lot for me to lose every single shred of respect that I have for someone, but Mase manage to do just that. I was never really a fan of his from the beginning but when he was "saved" and "retired" from music, I respected his decision and wished him luck. Then he becomes a minister and no one really hears from him again. Then out of nowhere he is back with a new album which is ok. He was still Rev. Mase and was making an effort of having a positive influence in his music (as wack as it was). But then this muthafucka leaves Bad Boy (his original label) and joins G-Unit?!? G-UNIT?!?!?

Look, I like 50 Cent. I'm not the biggest fan of his music but at least he is real with his shit. He's been shot about 100 times and he tells you like it is. And here is this fake ass "born again Christian" who is wearing huge diamond medallions and on a label full of rappers who talk of nothing but fucking women and toting guns. What the fuck? If you are even capable of joining that crowd, Mase, then you were never born again in the first place.

I'm not much of a Christian these days. I have my own problems with religion but I respect it and its followers (not the crazy ones) enough to not pretend to believe in it and shit all over it like he did.

Or maybe I am just overreacting.


Cool Calm Pete

The best Korean rapper out there.


Monday, November 07, 2005

The Boondocks

I have been a fan of this comic strip for a while now and I was sure that the show was only going to disappoint me and make me not ever want to read the strip again. I was wrong. This show was fucking great! Highly recommended for all those who are fans of Aaron McGruder and those who are not but like shows that stick it to The Man. Check it out.


I am now unemployed again. It was a temp job. I should have saw it coming.
