Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Good thing I wasn't the only one outraged by it. I just found out the Doc Marten ads featuring dead rockers Sid Vicious, Joey Ramone, Joe Strummer and Kurt Cobain was pulled and will not be used to advertise their shoes (Of course, this is probably old news to those who stay on top of the news). If they had went through with it, I would have been shocked. I also found out it wasn't the company's executives who came up with that particularly brilliant idea, but Saatchi and Saatchi London, an ad company that probably lost its biggest account because of their lack of decency.

I also found out Courtney Love knew nothing about the use of Cobain's image in the ads until she was notified. You're off the hook for now, Love, but I am still watching you.

In other news, Paris is out and ABC and NBC are willing to pay top dollar to have at her first. Only in Hollywood can jailtime (or possible jail time for some) make you money. Which leads me to this question; how the HELL did R. Kelly manage to make more money now after the sex tape than he has ever made before? Usually, when you are accused of molesting children, that puts quite a damper on your career, especially when there is actual footage involved, but not Mr. Kelly. He actually turned around the negative publicity into big bucks. While I am disgusted by this I must admit I'm a little impressed. Perhaps Michael is taking notes.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Back in time.

I was definitely born in the wrong era. I missed out on a great love affair with this man. How would I have achieved that? Well that I am not sure of, but I would have found out a way. What other musical treasures would this man have created if not for his most untimely death? I guess we shouldn't dwell on what could have been but what was. Here is to you Jimi.
