Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Why, hello there.

Where is the time going? It seems like yesterday I was drunkenly singing the wrong words to Auld Lang in some hole in the wall club. Here it is damn near May. I'm leaving for California tommorow. My ill fated trip to Coachella begins in exactly 28 hours. Why is it ill fated you ask? Because I already know I will not be making it to the festival. Why go to California at all, you ask me? Why the hell wouldn't I want to go California? I've never really been except for that 2 hour trip from Reno we made to San Francisco, but that dosen't really count. My bank account has taken some heavy blows because of this trip, and my car, who has ran beautiful the last five years, decided to die on me yesterday. Is this a sign telling me not to go? Does it matter if it is? I'm still hopping that flight tommorow. Anywho, my next blog entry to you kiddies will be from Cali. Hopefully lots of pictures will be included. Toodles!


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

This has to be a joke.

There is no way in the world any director would want to cast Paris Hilton as Mother Theresa. No way. Please say this a joke.
