Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Taken from Poplicks who took it from Angry Asian Man


When will it end?

Thanks to this man...

...this man has a similiar reality show.

Instead of calling it For the Love for Ray J, they should call it For the Love of STD's because that dude is going to want to fuck (because for some reason women just drop trou as soon as he comes around) and those girls want to marry into celebrity (like royalty...get it?) or at the very least get a career in showbiz.
Like some people...

Maybe her 15 minutes are over...its been a while.

All I want to know is, what the hell am I doing wrong? How can I come up on top without having to give a gremlin a blowjob?

What? Come on. Everyone knows he looks like a gremlin. LOOK at him. I'm not hating. Just stating the obvious.


Friday, January 16, 2009

I Heart Gamers and Dungen

Using game shots to expose you to my favorite band out of Sweden. Brilliant!

As well as my favorite song from them. I wish I could hear it. This damn computer has no sound.

Yea, you like that, don't cha?

I finally got to hear the audio to this vid. Someone told me that they suck live. I didn't believe I do. That song sounds much better on the album. It's called Sluta Foija Efter on their album Ta Det Lundt. Check it out if you want to hear this song in all its glory.

Damn man. How could they butcher their own song?


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Big Tits vs. Little Tits

I randomly found this comparison online. Once upon a time I was self-concious about my little knockers...(lol)...then one day I said 'fuck it'. Who the fuck cares about what these dudes think? I've been happy with them ever since.

Women with Big Tits...

1. can get a taxi on the worst days
2. have men give them the best seats on a bus.
3. have a neat place to carry spare change
4. have always been the center of the arts (art)
5. make jogging a spectator sport
6. can keep a magazine dry while laying in the tub
7. have more negotiating power (with men shorter than them)
8. usually can find leftover popcorn after a movie
9. can always carry a little extra cash
10. always float better
11. know where to look first for lost earrings
12. rarely lack for a slow dance partner
13. have a place to set their glasses when sitting in an armless recliner
14. never have to buy a car with airbags
15. have a place to carry a extra beer

Women with Little Tits...

1. don't cause a traffic accident every time they bend over in public
2. always look younger
3. find that dribbled food makes it to the napkin on their lap
4. can always see their toes and shoes
5. can sleep on their stomachs
6. have no trouble sliding behind the wheel of small cars
7. know that people can read the entire message on their T-shirts
8. know that everything more than a handful is wasted
9. can come late to a theater and not disrupt an entire aisle
10. can take aerobic class without running the risk of knocking themselves out
11. never be accused of having implants.

So what if us little people have less positive points.

And for your visual pleasure...

My God. At least she looks happy with those monsters.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Aww, man...

I was reading my past entries and I saw my entry on Jay Electronica. Man, he was that shit for a hot second...then he impregnated Erykah Badu and he disappeared. Maybe that was a good thing. Last year I went to a concert featuring Nas, Talib Kweli and Mr. Electronica himself. Not only did this dude not perform, he was walking around the spot with a six foot staff. I kid you not. Plus, he was all hugged up on this big booty white chick. (I hate to generalize her like that but I didn't catch her name). After that, I just couldn't look at him the same.

Obviously it was one of those times where you meet someone you admire and they are nothing like how you would imagine them to be. I was so excited about him too! Disappointment is never fun.

He can still redeem himself though. Whenever he puts out an official album...maybe it would be as good as some of the unofficial tracks that was leaked all over the place.

So Jay, if you're reading this, get out of Erykah's (fill in blank here) and make some music, damn it. And leave that fucking staff at the house.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Oh, hello.

Happy New Year World!!!
It's been some time since I've last posted. The last year was my craziest year yet and I got lost in it. It was a crazy year, wasn't it? The world is heading somewhere cataclysmic. Can you feel it? Damn, its scary. But I'm ready for whatever, I think. Not. I've become so unstable it is almost funny. But it isn't. Of course, we are in a recession but does money really rule my life so completely. I think it does. I hate it. Being tied down by something as mundane as money. I got to laugh at that last statement. Mundane money. Shut up, Janie.

2008 was terribly wonderful for me. Delightfully awkward. I learned for sure and I also took about six steps backwards. I didn't really progress at all last year. I know why. I still can't figure out where I'm going and I was left wandering in circles. Can't let that happen this year. I have to do better. More. And I will...

But enough about that mess. I wish I could share everything that happened to me but I don't have the time or patience to do all that typing. One of the main reasons why I stopped blogging. Too much time plus I couldn't help but think why the hell would anyone care about anything I'm doing or thinking?

No matter. I felt like typing so here I am. 4:15 in the morning listening to this song on repeat. I think its time to pack it up. I hope this new year has been wonderful to you. Probably same old same old. A new year doesn't really change your life, does it? Well, I hope you had a good day. Here's some random pictures of my year for you.
