Friday, May 06, 2005

People are dumb

The other day, my boyfriends dad found a note on his car calling him a wierdo and saying how nobody talks to him because hes a freak and has wierd art. I know it hurt his feelings although he laughed at the note. He is so nice and didn't do anything to anybody and it made me so angry because the coward didn't leave their name or apartment number or anything. I swear if I ever find out who left that note, I will beat their ass. It dosen't matter how big or scary looking they are. If they are bigger than me, i'll just use weapons, but no one has the right to hurt anyone elses feelings for no reason like a fucking grade school kid calling other people names behind their back. I don't like it when people I love is hurt, even if it's something as trivial as an assholes dumb comment. If I find out who it is though, i'm going to smack the shit out of them.

3 You don't say:

At 5:05 PM, Blogger Obsconder said...

i hope you do find out who left it. that's just an asshole thing to do :-(

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Jas said...

He kind of reminds me of Basquait a little, even though they look different. But it's the same principal. Thank y'all for being as infuriated as I was. I still don;t know who did it. I am narrowing down the suspects.

At 12:23 AM, Blogger Jas said...

whoops. yea, what you said.


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