Saturday, May 20, 2023

Whoa it's 20fucking23

Brooooo! Last time I came back to this was 2018. Feels like 20 years ago rather than 5. To say a lot has happened since 2018 is an understatement wouldn't you say? It's crazy man. Like sitting here seeing a blog I forgot about (again) written before things really started falling apart. 2020 was a hell of a year for the world. Not for me though. I'd been training my whole life for mandatory isolation. The downside? I was an "essential worker" lol. I still went to work while my roommate who had a corporate job sat at home collecting $600 checks every week and Amazon packages and Uber Eats orders everyday. I'm not bitter just jealous lol. I got married in 2020. No one is more surprised than me. I work a job I actually don't mind, making fairly decent money for the few hours I work. It would appear despite the state of things I am still happy. Imagine that. Hopefully in another 5-6 years I will feel the same. Maybe it won't take me that long to remember this blog.
