Friday, January 05, 2007

A New Year...Another Day

Happy New Year to the lot of you.

Its been nearly three months and the world is so much closer to the End. Oh yes, the end of days is upon us. Once I saw CNN cover the Miss America scandal for nearly an hour, I knew the Four Horsemen was around the corner.

Not to mention the execution of Hussein and the Godfather's last bow. Even Gerald Ford saw fit to make a hasty exit to the afterlife.

Yes, it was a very merry Christmas.

So what is your resolution? Why do we even need one? Just get off your lazy ass and fucking do it already. I've realized if you wait until January 1st to do all the things you should have already been doing, you are probably not going to do it. I am speaking from experience, of course. I don't even remember my resolution from last year, or any resolution I've ever made now that I think about it. Not everyone is the same. There are those few who complete their resolutions. Usually they are obsessive compulsive.

Sometimes I wish I had some type of obsessive compulsive disorder. It would add a little order to my life. If that isn't a contradiction...

Anyway, as I've been saying to all my friends, make this year your year. You don't need a New Years resolution. You just need the desire to do whatever it is you want to do. Easy to say, I know, but it isn't so hard to do once you try. For most things, anyway. Bullshit resolutions like becoming a millionaire in a year or achieving your dream of becoming a modern day Scarface may be a little harder to achieve.

Once again, I am speaking from experience.

Until next time I find the energy to post, kiddies...

And remember, make sure to not allow anyone to take photos of you doing something incredibly stupid. They always come back to haunt you. But then again, if you know someone with the last name Trump, you'll be just fine.
