Sunday, August 28, 2005

I just read this on Postsecret .

"I have made six postcards, all with secrets that I was afraid to tell the one person I tell everything to, my boyfriend. This morning I planned to mail them, but instead I left them on the pillow next to his head while he was sleeping. 10 minutes ago he arrived at my office and asked me to marry him. I said yes.”


Someone once asked me what was the plural of penis. I told them Penii.

However, thats neither, here nor there.

What I really wanted to tell you was the next civil war (which started last year) will escalate to WWIII and will come to it's dramatic conclusion at the hands of the Russians who will blow us to smithereens with a nuclear war head and kill 3 billion people or something like that.Yes, its true .


I have come to a horrifying realizaton today. I am a killer. I kill things without meaning to, which is the worst killer of all. No one is safe. In the last few years, I've killed 2 dogs, two cars, 3 phones, and hundreds of plants because I have the black thumb of death. Watch yourself around me. No telling what may happen.


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I saw one of these on my porch last night. Scared the living hell out of me.


Saturday, August 20, 2005

I'm not the only Hurts so good webpage. I think this one is better.


Friday, August 19, 2005

Why is the fact that P. Diddy changing his name to Diddy is in the news?


Thursday, August 18, 2005

My new job is the best job and the worst job in the world somehow. I hate how tiring it is, but I love the fact that I sit around surfing the net while I wait for work to do. I was hired as a temp to assist the workers because they were backed up which means I do the work they don't feel like doing. Thing is, I got them caught up in a week and a half. Now I'm scared they won't have any work left if I keep working so fast. Meaning I will be out of a job. So I work really slow and surf the net in between missions they put me on. Hey for how much they're paying me, well...I don't know what I'd do that I found beneath me before I got this job.

I guess I'll check my email for the fifth time today until I get something to do.



Posted by: janiedelite.
I've decided to change everything today.


Friday, August 12, 2005

I just heard the guy in the cubicle next to mine say "Where do you buy 25 calibur bullets? Thats the problem."


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Apparently Tony Pierce is the sole owner of my blogshare . Way to invest, Tony. You know your blogs.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

So this is what its like to have the internet at work...too bad I can't use it...


I have finally re-entered the workforce.

I am employed. I am a working gal. And not by illegal means, either. I work from 8:30 to 5 in the afternoon which is my first real 9 to 5 and let me be the first to tell you that that shit is hard. Who knew working from 4:30 to 11:30 is much easier than working 9 to 5?

How the hell did Dolly do it and still manage to keep her hair looking exactly the same as when she left her house? Oh yea. Aquanet. The working girl's best friend. I've got to remember that.


Monday, August 08, 2005

I'm not the only one who thinks this is sad, am I? Or am I just a prude.


My porn name is Midnight Central.


Saturday, August 06, 2005

Southern hospitality is dead.

Road rage killed it. This dumb fuck with his Escalade truck wouldn't let me over into the exit only lane when I had my blinker on for a full minute. I keep forgeting blinkers are as useful on the highway as a nun is in a whorehouse ( I heard that analogy in a grocery store the other day.) So, I cut the fucker off or I would have missed my exit. Instead of just going on with their lives they get within six inches of my car and ride my ass and starts flashing their high beams. I did what any other person would have did. I slowed down to forty when I was going eighty and made the universal hand gesture of anger. Thats why Georgians are the worst drivers in the world. They get mad and they fucking try to kill you.

Dumb homicidal fucks are everywhere. Buckle your seatbelts and don't take their bullshit.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I don't make mistakes, I'm too busy making love.

Von Von Von is the man. Putting Antwerp on the map. Listen to this man's music. Now.


Monday, August 01, 2005

Touchy, touchy, touchy, touch me!

Bunnies and transvestites are always a good combination and here is proof .


Disturbing picture of the day.


I am offically a radio personality. No, it dosen't pay but I am getting a lot of experience in a field that I will probabl never work in. If you happen to live in the Atlanta area or if you can get radio waves from Atlanta, you should listen to me. I'm on from 2 to 6 in the morning every Tuesday on 88.5.

Alrighty. I've plugged myself enough.
