Sunday, July 09, 2006

Look, I'm alive!

Supposedly I'm getting my first tattoo tommorow. There will be needles, ink, screams of pain, hours of fun...its going to be great. The fact that its free is just a bonus. Now, many has wondered why I, Ms. Anti-trendster, would do something as trendy as permenantly scarring my body for the sake of vanity. I merely laugh at their obvious wrong judgement call on my unpredictable personality while silently thinking to myself "This shit is going to be permenant."

Yes, its all true. But here is what you didn't know. This tattoo is more than just a move to make myself more attractive to the opposite sex (hardly anyone will see it unless I'm wearing a bikini and on those rare occasions I will admit to knowing I will look fly as HELL!). This is something I've been planning on for years to commemorate the time in my life where I make a big step in the positive direction, and I feel like right now, I am at the cusp of a life changing event. I picked out a paticular tattoo about 4 years ago and that tattoo is what I am getting tommorow. I've been working patiently (sometimes impatiently) to get to this juncture of my life. This tattoo will be there in 20, 30 years to remind me of this time that led me to where I will be at that time.

Its exciting, scary, wonderful. What I'm worried about the most is how I will feel when all of this will be in the past. When I reached that point and moved past it. Hopefully I will still have that drive that led me to where I am now and hopefully will lead me to an even better place.

Ooooh, I feel all tingly inside. Besides that the only thing else that happened since Memorial Day ( I never found a BBQ by the way, but I made up for that on the fourth) was the cyst I had removed from my lower back. Good times. I'm still recovering but at least I'm not groaning in pain everytime I sit down. That was a pain in the ass. Oh ho! I just made a really lame pun. So, on that note, I bid you kids adieu. Be good and remember, its only illegal if you get caught.
