Monday, February 26, 2007


Friday, February 23, 2007

Hollywood is a dangerous place.

You can go mad out there. How many stars have cracked underneath the pressure of being idolized? When I was a kid I use to dream about being a movie star. The fame, the beauty, the money...all of that seem to be the ultimate in being succesful. But what price do you have to pay to have it all? What part of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to achieve it?

How many meltdowns have we been witness to through the media? I have seen quite a few in my short life and there are many more to come, I'm sure. Ms. Spears is the latest.

I really don't care about Hollywood stars. Most of the ones I've met had their noses so far in the air it is amazing they can didn't run into things when walking around (I heard someone say that once). Despite that, I feel sorry for the poor girl.

Why? I have no idea. I just hope someone helps her. It looks like she is heading to a bad place.


Friday, February 09, 2007

One more thing.

I was reading some of my past posts and I realized I use to be funny. What the hell happened? Have I reached my peak? Am I careening head first into my prime? Am I to go through a quarter life crisis rather than mid life?

Dear God. No.

I was almost going to end my post that way, but decided not to. No, that just would have been wrong.

So, heard the news lately? I really don't want to dedicate a post to Anna Nicole Smith but I feel as though I must. Instead of writing on how she affected me, I'll let you read how she affected Ms. McIntosh (Or should I say Mrs. Delicious? If you read her blog you'd understand). I really couldn't have said it better. I never watched her show but Bunny almost made me wish I had.

Besides that, there is nothing else I felt like sharing.

Carry on.


While I was gone...

So I have decided to start a music blog. Yes. A music blog. Its still in the works, of course. That means I have done nothing to get it started except write this post. I figured, why would you care about what's not going on in my life (because I am not really doing anything constructive)? Why not instead give you my uneducated opinions on music I listen to, or recently found out about?

It will be exciting, believe me.

Until then, check out these music blogs I've been enjoying.
Soul-Sides by Oliver Wang
Beautiful Regalia by Hua Hsu

While I am here...
Welcome Back Cardboard Judas !! He is probably not back, but maybe now he will feel obligated to post to make me happy.
