Saturday, August 06, 2005

Southern hospitality is dead.

Road rage killed it. This dumb fuck with his Escalade truck wouldn't let me over into the exit only lane when I had my blinker on for a full minute. I keep forgeting blinkers are as useful on the highway as a nun is in a whorehouse ( I heard that analogy in a grocery store the other day.) So, I cut the fucker off or I would have missed my exit. Instead of just going on with their lives they get within six inches of my car and ride my ass and starts flashing their high beams. I did what any other person would have did. I slowed down to forty when I was going eighty and made the universal hand gesture of anger. Thats why Georgians are the worst drivers in the world. They get mad and they fucking try to kill you.

Dumb homicidal fucks are everywhere. Buckle your seatbelts and don't take their bullshit.

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