Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The pursuit of happiness...

Have you ever taken the time to wonder what happiness is? What is true happines? It varies from person to person, of course, and I wondered today, while walking to school how many people out there are really happy and does those who are not know it. I know I'm not happy. I haven't really been happy for a while. I'm not trying to be depressing, that is just reality. I know one day I will find my niche, which is what is keeping me from being happy these days. Not knowing where I belong or where I am going. One day it'll come to me, so I'm not sweating it. I'm more worried about the people who dosen't know they aren't happy. Those who do their day to day activities completely miserable and not having a clue because they are stuck in that monotony that most of us falls in.

Do you know what makes you happy? A really simple question but you'd be surprised how many people have to sit and think about it when that question is posed to them.

Just something I''ve been thinking about. It wouldn't hurt for you to think about it too.

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