Monday, January 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Dr. King

I've never had to drink from a certain water fountain, or eat in certain restaurants. I've never had to sit at the back of the bus, or go to certain schools. I've never had dogs attack me or water hoses aimed at me when I stood for something I believed in. I've never had to worry about lynch mobs or Ku Klux Klan members when I was out at night. I've never seen a burning cross or a church burned down to the ground.

I've never faced blatant racism and I've never been called a Nigger. I've never really been treated differently because the color of my skin. I've never had to face or accept the possibility of dying for freedom.

It wasn't because of luck. It was because of you and many others. I wasn't there. I didn't have to live through the struggle that you and my parents had to live through. You fought the oppression for my generation and all the generations to follow and I'll always remember.

And I will always be grateful. Thank you.

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